If you have been asked by a designer to buy hosting you have come to the right place! Keenweb web hosting can handle anything a designer can throw at it – or you can ask for your money back via our money back guarantee.
All plans include
Uk's Best, Cheapest and Advanced Web Hosting
Please select which web hosting package is right for you.
Free SSL Certificate
We provide a FREE SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt with every new web hosting account. An 256-bit SSL certficaite can be applied to any website hosted under your unlimited hosting account.
Free DDoS protection
24/7 security monitoring and DDoS protection. Our advanced DDoS protection is provided absolutely FREE on your hosting account to help mitigate unwanted traffic spikes.
Loved By Customers
We often receive 5-Star reviews from our happy customers. We believe in going the extra mile wherever we can and are confident you’ll be as happy with our service as our other customers are.
SpamExperts Protection
We hate spam. SpamExperts provides an average 99.98% email filtering accuracy with close to zero false positives helping keep unwanted mails from reaching your inbox.
99.99% Uptime
With a traditional dedicated server, if your hardware fails then you get downtime. Our OnAPP Cloud is not reliant on any single piece of hardware, allowing you to benefit from a massive 99.99% uptime. We pride ourselves on reliability – websites do not have opening hours! We see it as an obligation to provide you with 99.99% uptime.
Attracta SEO Tools
Increase your search ranking with all major search engines from Google to Bing with our free integrated SEO tools. As part of your hosting service we provide you with Attracta SEO Tools. Attracta allows you to quickly increase your search ranking, and boost your website’s traffic in just a few clicks.
Host Unlimited Sites
In addition to your domain, you can also add an unlimited number of other domains to the same cPanel web hosting account any time, at no extra cost; either by transferring your domains to us, purchasing new domains, or simply pointing your DNS to our name servers.
Website Builder
Site Pro is a professional website builder that offers a website building wizard with over 300 free templates, allowing you to quickly build your new site with ease – even if you have no coding experience. A familiar and powerful drag-and-drop interface makes it a breeze to build your new site!